110 Jahrungen in Denver Colorado!110 Jahrungen in Denver Colorado!110 Jahrungen in Denver Colorado!110 Jahrungen in Denver Colorado!

Schlaraffia® Denvera 198

Lulu Schlaraffen und

Weg Zur Burg
Uhu Blickt Über Denver
Geschichte der Denvera
Denver Die Meilenhohe Stadt
Colorado Kennenlernen ➚
Wunderschönes Colorado
Kolumbus Orden
Ahnen/Ordensammlung ➚
Was Ist Schlaraffia
What Is Schlaraffia
Zu den Reychen ➚


Sprechen Sie Schlaraffia® Denvera 198

Would you like to have a chance
to practice your German?


Then we would like to talk to you –
in German –
(of course)

We are Schlaraffia®

Schlaraffia® is a 166 year old international fraternal organization with over 8,400 members in over 250 chapters world-wide in 17 countries.

Our Motto is:

  • to speak German
  • appreciation of the arts
  • exhibit a sense of humor
  • value friendship + tolerance

We have regular meetings once a week from October to the end of April which are conducted (exclusively) in German.

It is not necessary to be fluent in German to be a member. One just has to have some German language background and the desire to learn and improve over time.

The New York Times writes about Schlaraffia®:
“Meetings are often devoted to cultural discussions in German, with members reciting poems they have written or performing their own works on musical instruments. Any mention of religion, politics, or business is forbidden. Humor, friendship and an appreciation of the arts – not necessarily Germanic – are stressed”.

Gustav Mahler, Franz Lehár, Peter Rosegger and Oscar Strauss were members of the organization which was founded in Prague in 1859.

Schlaraffia® Denvera 198

(and Wilhelm Busch was an honorable member of Schlaraffia®)

Schlaraffia® is not German, but we speak German. Schlaraffia® is made up of many multi-national members, including; German, Austrian, Swiss, Hungarian, Polish, Swedish, British, American, and many more.

Discussions are always lively and stimulating, since the participants come from many parts of the world and have widely diversified cultural and professional backgrounds. They are University Professors, Engineers, Business Executives, Priests, Captains, and High School Teachers … to name a few.

You will have fun with interesting people, get exposed to the arts, literature and music.

And guaranteed, your German will improve.

Schlaraffia® Denvera 198

Practice and Improve

Your German language


Joining our conversational club


Schlaraffia® Denvera 198If German is your second language, you will have lots of opportunities to practice what you have learned before in school.

If German is your mother tongue and your German needs a tune-up, you will benefit from reintroducing long forgotten vocabulary.

There are 24 chapters in North America and one is right here in Denver, Colorado.

For more information about our Denvera chapter, gentlemen, please contact:

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Diese Seite
auf deutsch

Schlaraffia® Denvera 198 - 1570 Clarkson St, Denver, CO 80218, USA - 720-600-4780
Sie sind bei uns Willkommen. Lulu!
Schlaraffia® und Allschlaraffia® sind eingetragene Wortmarken | Verband Allschlaraffia® - Sitz Bern
Schlaraffia® DenverA 198 - 1570 Clarkson St, Denver, CO 80218, USA, 720-600-4780
© 2025 DenverA 198
Schlaraffia® Denvera 198 - 1570 Clarkson St, Denver, CO 80218, USA - 720-600-4780



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